Expat Tax and Financial Planning Newsletter

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Expat Tax and Financial Planning Newsletter

To keep up to date on Expat Tax and Financial Planning issues make sure to subscribe to our newsletter above. We look forward to hearing from you!

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Archive of previous newsletters below:

November 21, 2020

Hi everyone

First, I want to thank everyone that provided feedback from the last email I sent out as well as all the great engagement on our private Facebook group (if you’re not already a member of the group make sure to join here). I’m doing my best to compile a list of topics for future articles and content based on your feedback.

Outlined below is an update on what I’ve been working on, in addition to some items I’m planning on for next week:

I’ve just finished updating our tax and financial planning post here, some highlights include:

  • New Doctors in American private Facebook group
  • Update on IRS 3520-A penalty notices and 965 compliance initiative
  • Update on new podcast episodes. More on this below

I’ve also written some recent articles that you might find interesting:

A discussion on a possible Canadian wealth and estate tax


I’ve written a relatively comprehensive guide on T1135 reporting for the site. If anyone has questions or feedback on the guide I would be happy to hear your thoughts:


I’ve also published a list of FBAR year-end exchange rates if anyone needs this info for current or prior FBAR filings.

It’s been a very long time, but I’m finally working at getting the Expat Tax and Financial Planning Podcast back up and running. The next episode will likely drop early next week and will be focused mainly on T1135 reporting and planning related to investments in the US.

If you’re interested in keeping up to date on new episodes please subscribe here or visit our podcast page here to listen and download the latest episode.

I’m hoping to continue producing podcast episodes and I would love to hear what type of topics you would like me to cover. You can respond to this email with your ideas or post them publicly on the Facebook group. Also feel free to text me at 250-661-9417 if that’s easier for you.

Once again, I want to thank everyone for their feedback and engagement on the topics we’ve already discussed and I look forward to your feedback on what you’ll want to see in the future. This content should be based around what is important to you, and I’m here to listen!

Stay well.


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