How to correct under and over withholdings on US pensions – Episode 16
On episode #16 of Crossing the 49th Podcast we discuss how to correct under and over withholdings on US pensions.
When you receive pension income from the US as a Canadian tax resident the custodian of the plan is required to withholding US tax pursuant to the Canada-US tax treaty. In this podcast we discuss how to correct under or over withholding of US tax. You can also read this in-depth article on the subject of US withholding on pensions to Canadians.
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Disclaimer: The information contained in this Podcast and YouTube video is for information purposes only and should not be construed as tax or financial planning advice. Tax and financial planning rules change from year to year and the information contained within may be outdated. Ensure to engage an experienced and competent tax and financial planner to help you with your tax and financial planning needs.