new update

Cross Border Tax Deadline Dates

Cross Border Tax Deadline Dates Outlined below are a list of tax deadlines for American’s living in Canada as well as regular Canadian taxpayers and non-residents of Canada. Note that in years where the deadline falls on a holiday it is often moved to the next business day. Deadlines may also be adjusted by Governments…

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new update

Citizenship Based Taxation is not going Away, but these 5 Changes Would Change the Game (for the better)

Citizenship Based Taxation is not going Away, but these 5 Changes Would Change the Game (for the better) Many Americans living abroad have been advocating aggressively for the repeal of Citizenship based taxation (CBT). These advocates argue that the rules that tax US citizens abroad are unfair and overly punitive. Although I do not entirely…

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new update

Summary of the IRS Voluntary Disclosure and Amnesty Program

Summary of the IRS Voluntary Disclosure and Amnesty Program The following article is a summary of the IRS Voluntary Disclosure and Amnesty program, specifically the new internal guidance procedure targeting those with foreign and offshore accounts. While the majority of this article’s information has been culled from the IRS webpage entitled, Voluntary Disclosure: Questions and…

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