new update

ROTH IRA for Canadians and Newcomers to Canada

ROTH IRA for Canadians and Newcomers to Canada Key Points Roth IRAs offer tax-free growth and withdrawals in the U.S., but Canadians face unique tax considerations. The Canada-U.S. tax treaty may protect Roth IRA earnings from Canadian taxation if handled properly. Reporting a Roth IRA on Canadian tax returns is essential to avoid penalties and…

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new update

Democrats Propose Huge COVID-19 “Bazooka”

Democrats Propose Huge COVID-19 “Bazooka” Wow, the Democrats have proposed significant stimulus in their March 18, 2020 memo to the House of Representatives. Some highlights include: $2,000 for each adult and $1,000 for each child per month Suspension of credit payments Credit facility available to help reimburse creditors Suspend all negative credit reporting Prevent debt…

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new update

New Postcard Sized 1040 for 2018

New Postcard Sized 1040 for 2018 The IRS recently announced the new “simplified” 2018 1040 form. The new version of the 1040 replaces the older 1040, 1040-A and 1040-EX forms. Trump announced the “simplified change” to the 1040 last year, however many are not so convinced this new version will simplify tax filings for taxpayers….

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