Worked in Canada for Olympics – US Citizen

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Worked in Canada for Olympics – US Citizen


Hello Phil,

I am looking for advice and hopefully you can assist me. Brief overview is I worked in Canada from Oct 2009 – March 2010 for the Winter Olympics. I filed the T1 through my tax accountant here in the states and did not receive what I was expecting to receive back for 2009, as I was told I would receive it all back because I was under the required limit. My general question is, can you provide information on what I should do as I would like to reopen this issue because I should have received around $1200 back and I received just over $100 back. Is it worth refiling? The answer my tax accountant said the Canada officials gave him is because I earned money in the US for 2009 as well then I can’t claim the deductions in Canada but really it’s not deductions, since I was under the required limit for Canada. The issue will come up for 2010 as well so please let me know if you are able to assist with this.

Thank you,




If you send me you 2009 T1 and 1040 I can take a look and give you some advice going forward. Something is probably wrong with the returns as you should have most likely received the full refund or obtained a tax credit in the US for the Canadian source income (depending on how the returns were filed).

If you send me the returns by PDF I can take a look. Also, please send me you phone number so I can give you a call once I review the returns.





Newsglobal, CA


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